Thank you for your purchase of the Bynatic back brace. We highly value you as a customer, but also your freedom of movement. We understand how bothersome back problems can be and want to support you during your recovery. Therefore, we work closely with certified physiotherapists to ensure that you receive the help and support you need even after your purchase. This collaboration has led to an online learning environment where our customers can go for instructional videos, exercises, questions & more.
In case of lower back pain, it is important to keep moving as much as possible. However, in practice, it appears that for some people, the pain becomes such a hindering factor that movement becomes (too) painful. As a result, people tend to fall into a passive lifestyle. Fear of movement, decrease in muscle strength and/or mobility can be the consequences. This can be very obstructive for recovery. Therefore, you can end up in a vicious circle where the back pain persists.
A back brace can provide a solution by offering support and alleviating (some of) the pain. This gives you more freedom of movement and allows the strength in your muscles to increase again. A back brace is truly an aid to get moving again. This is very conducive to your recovery and can prevent more severe complaints. However, it is important to realize that this also has to come from within yourself.


With sufficient movement, lower back pain generally disappears within 4 to 6 weeks. However, the chance of recurring complaints is high. Someone who has had complaints in the past has a much greater chance of experiencing complaints again in the future. Therefore, it is important to apply the brace correctly and actively work on your recovery.
The brace is mainly intended for the first phase of the complaints, where the pain is at its worst. As the pain decreases, we advise you to gradually reduce the use of the brace. The tapering off is guided by pain. You can do this by using a pain scale from 0 to 10, where 0 stands for pain-free and 10 stands for the most severe pain. As soon as the pain is a 6 or higher, you can wear the brace. As soon as the pain becomes 5 or less, try to move without the brace.
At first, you will probably need the brace for every activity, but over time you will be able to reduce this to only wearing the brace during physically strenuous efforts. If the pain decreases even then, you will no longer need the brace at all. Remember that your goal should always be to eventually be able to move without the brace.
In this video, we demonstrate how to put on the Bynatic back brace.

With lower back pain, it is very important to stay active. This promotes recovery and reduces the chances of recurring complaints. It is important to ensure good stability of the entire core. In addition, it is also important to maintain and improve your mobility as much as possible.
To maintain good core stability and improve your mobility, we have compiled a number of essential basic exercises. These exercises are divided into two groups: strength and mobility. Increasing your muscle strength ensures better cooperation of your muscles. As a result, the muscles can collectively absorb more, sustain movements for longer, and deliver more strength. Maintaining or increasing your mobility ensures that you can limit and/or prevent stiffness to a certain extent. Developing both strength and mobility can have a positive effect on lower back pain.
For all exercises, it is important to continue breathing properly. When your body needs to exert strength or experiences pain, it tends to hold the breath. So, pay as much attention to this as possible. Initially, you can perform all strength exercises with the brace. Continue the exercises until the pain on the pain scale drops below 6. After that, you can also try to perform the same exercises without the brace. Only move to the next level of difficulty when you can perform the basic exercises without pain.
The exercises and the number of repetitions described are the basic level that, in principle, everyone should be able to do. Listen carefully to your body and ensure that the exercises are always performed in the correct posture. If you notice that your posture is no longer optimal, you have probably done too many repetitions. Then reduce the number of repetitions. A correct posture is always more important than the number of repetitions. So, it's better to do 6 repetitions in a good posture than 10 with a bad one. Try to do the exercises every day or every other day. Again, listen to your own body. For each exercise, it should be performed on a hard surface or on a yoga mat.
Mobility exercises are done with a different intensity than strength exercises. The goal of these exercises is to become more mobile, not to build strength. In principle, you should be able to do these exercises without a brace. Again, listen carefully to your own body and do not push your limits. For each exercise, the rule is: hold the position for at least 45 seconds.